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Last Seen Users
· transistor62 | 146 weeks |
· chimpman_deluxe | 215 weeks |
· DMGUYDZ64 | 525 weeks |
· labye | 667 weeks |
· luluoueba | 668 weeks |
· BadMojo | 668 weeks |
· Empyre | 673 weeks |
· llucy609 | 673 weeks |
· Nagibatol | 675 weeks |
· uninlenrego | 675 weeks |
World Clock

The web site move

Hey good news!!! I am finally getting broardband fiber connection soon. This means I will be able to start getting things back on line here on a fast connection.
Systems Administrator
The registration system is FIXED

Planetwon2 WIKI

Our first project is a comprehensive list of Modifications. There are hundreds of Half-Life mods, and we'd like to have a page on every one of them. We also hope to have materials on mapping, modeling, modding, and who knows what else. So grab a chair and edit some material! Polish an article, or maybe start a new one. If you don't know how to link or categorize it, that's okay, someone else can later on. The more contributors, the better this wiki will become, and the better the wiki, the more useful it is to you--the contributors.
To prevent bots, unregistered users have to answer CAPTCHA questions. Good, hard to read ones too. If you plan on editing on a semi-regular basis, it'll be waaaay easier to make an account. If you have any suggestions, edit the talk page, or talk to Transistor, the owner of PlanetWon2.
The Future of Planetwon2

Hello Everyone
This is transistor62. I am the new owner of the domain and I am also hosting the web site as well. I plan on keeping this site alive for everyone to use for a very long time to come. Ben had asked me if I would take over as owner of the domain and web site as he told me that he would not be able to host the site much longer from his location, so I agreed to take over ownership as of DEC, 01 2008. All current admin rights have been left as is for now unless someone proves to be unworthy of the right. Ben, Warfly & I as well as the other admins will be adding more files and links to half-life & mod related things in the near future. Please, if you have any questions or ideas, contact me via pm or e-mail. Take care and GOD bless.
The revival!!

Thanks Again to for their advertisement on their site!
CS 1.5: Serverside anticheat

Almost got the detection side of the aimbot working. Just need to increase the number of clicks needed to ban and add some more variables to the traceline so it won't ban willy nilly.
Just started the base code of the wallhack detection. At the moment it is tied in with the aimbot detection using pretty much the same method of traceline but thinking of going a different way.
Still to come:
Speed hack detection
anti-recoil detection
ESP detection.
Anyway I'll keep you updated as I go.