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02/13/2015 12:19
Booyeah :3

01/11/2012 20:43
I'm still dropping by almost every day, but not logging in.

09/04/2011 02:40
I figured out how to ban a bot, but not how to delete a post or thread. Frown

08/30/2011 20:29
... and we're back! again

07/24/2011 15:55
by the way, The wiki data is NOT lost. I have a backup of it. I just can't get the site to talk to the database for some reason. My server here works fine but not on my hosing service.

07/24/2011 15:50
Hello Empyre, I have deleted the spam shouts and you should be able to delete them as well now. It should show up as an edit or delete under the shout.

07/19/2011 19:49
I noticed that BigCog visited the forums today, despite having been banned.

07/18/2011 02:46
BigCog was obviously a spam bot, and I was able to ban it, but I didn't see how to delete its shout box spam.

07/07/2011 19:43
The last time I tried, I couldn't. I'll try again the next time I see a spam bot.

07/07/2011 01:09
Hey Empyre Shock, I have deleted the spam in the forum. I have also looked in your admin settings and you have permission to ban users & edit or delete treads. Let me know if you can't.

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